
Sunday, January 16, 2011

I hate being sick

my nose is stuffy :(  but on the bright side I have a three day weekend!!  no work tomorrow!!!

I made cup cakes today, I'm hoping to post pictures of them soon, but basically what I did was make some cakey cupcakes and brownies and cut the tops off.  Then i coated the bottom of the decapitated cake with a basic butter/powdered sugar/milk icing.  After that i put a nice sized scoop of cherry pie filling on them, squirted whipped cream around the edges of the cupcake and put its lid back on.  I finished them by putting another squirt of whipped cream on top and either drizzling chocolate syrup over them or just putting a single cherry on top.  They were very very good :D

I got the idea from a dream i had last night...kinda weird, most of my inspiration, good or otherwise, comes from dreams...i wonder if it means something...?

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