Back at Solitude tonight, spending the night at the winking Skeever. I intend to go clear some Dwarven ruins South of here tomorrow, and for that purpose hired a sturdy Nord man by the name of Belrand to accompany me. It's not like I need the help, but I received word this morning that my house was complete and just waiting for my approval, so I want to be as quick as possible with the ruins. That and the last Nordic crypt I went through I had to leave many a valuable trinket behind because there was no way I was lugging it all out of the crypt. I wonder if Lucia misses me, I certainly miss her. It's an odd, achy feeling that is entirely strange to me.

I discovered another Nordic Dragon Word Wall yesterday, I was actually on a mission to slay a slimy Argonian who had tried to use me to get rich, unfortunately for him I had already visited the grotto he had intended on hiding in, and slayed all of the marauders who inhabited it. when I killed their chief I found a note on his body, which when read to me, I realized was from the Argonian, dictating his plan of using me to put out the lighthouse fire and then attempting to kill me. Of course his attempt to kill me failed miserably. I have grown very powerful since I came to Skyrim. Even without my summoning magic I am capable of spewing fire far and wide and incinerating anything that gets too close.
It was while I was on my way to Broken Oar Grotto that I stumbled across the Nordic ruin, I went in, and was surprised to find that the first room was strewn with dead Draugr, and that they had not been picked clean of valuables. It was the same story in the next room. It was not until I snuck into the third chamber that I found the determined Nordic girl who was battling a plethora of Draugr. I joined in the fight and helped her defeat the attackers easily. After the brief battle she explained that she was in this ruin looking for a scroll which could potentially link her heritage back to Ysgramor. She asked if I would accompany her and help her slay the Dragon Priest who guarded the scroll. Since I had already come that far, and she said she wanted no treasure, just the scroll, I agreed to help her. We cleared the ruin quickly, she got her scroll, I got a dragon priest mask, and learned another dragon shout. A very profitable venture. I wouldn't mind delving into a dungeon with her again, she was also a powerful mage I discovered, capable of casting extremely powerful destruction spells.

After we had finished clearing the crypt we went our separate ways. One more even unfolded however before I reached the grotto. A dragon attack. It was a fire dragon this time, which I have more difficulty dispatching alone because of my resistances Luckily for me, Talsgar the Wanderer, a bard I have encountered several times in my travels now happened to be passing through the area and lent me a hand. He is a hardy Nord warrior, with a voice to match his prowess in battle, I felt grateful for his help.

On another note, I was lucky enough to enter Solitude just as the execution of Rogvir, the man who let Ulfric Stormcloak escape the city was being executed. I hadn't planned it that way, but it turned out to my benefit because I met a high elf who was a member of the Bard's college at the gathering. Now it is true that I am no friend to High Elves, that I would gladly kill them out on the road for no reason at all. But this particular one had a certain aura about him that I did not recognize. Most interestingly was the fact that he had no skill in magic whatsoever that I could sense. And so when he approached me to speak, I held my tongue and made no effort to off him immediately.

He introduced himself as Viarmo, a high ranking member of the Bard's College here in Solitude, and he asked for my help retrieving King Olaf's verse from it's resting place. Apparently I have finally started to make a name for myself with my exploits. For this reason alone, I agreed to help him. I recovered the verse, thanks to a mysterious ghostly bard who haunted the ruins, and returned it to Viarmo. I was rewarded handsomely, better than I had expected, and got to benefit in yet another way by attending the burning of King Olaf, a festival that they have here. I got free wine and meat pies, so I had no complaints!

One last item of interest: I had a run in with Sheogorath! At least that is who he claimed to be, and this wabbajack I am now hauling around with my certainly seems to prove it. It was only a brief episode, but one of note nonetheless. I entered the west wing of the blue palace, and was from there suddenly transported to what Sheogorath 'claimed' was the mind of the mad emperor, Pelagius. Perhaps it was, perhaps it was not. It was an experience I will not soon forget either way. Sheogorath had me run some trivial errands for him inside Pelagius's mind, and then he sent my back to the Blue Palace. The whole incident took less than an hour, but I returned, wabbajack in hand, so I know that it did indeed occur.
Well I am off to bed. Belrand is sitting by the door, polishing his sword. He is anxious for action. Good, as I'm sure there will be plenty in the ruins. I found a book in my inn room on Labrynthian, Belrand read a certain passage to me which seems it may be important if I ever find a way to access these ruins:
Enter Twice - Exit only once
Alteration will lead you to Destruction
Only Illusion shows the way to Restoration
Conjure not but be Conjured instead.
Interesting, I know not what it means now, but perhaps it would make sense in context.