
Sunday, February 27, 2011

yeah.  need i say more?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally Saturday

It's kinda nice to be able to sleep in past three for a change...I was all worried last night that 3AM was gonna roll around and I'd be awake and unable to go back to sleep...but yah, the only reason I woke up at ten was because the heat was off and my toes were turning there anything better??

The new Skyrim trailer is pretty epic.  I think that the dragon shout feature is going to be really awesome.  In the trailer the novakiin or however you spell that knows the three syllable shout...I think from what I read about the game though you're going to have to learn each word separately, and it will be the most powerful when you know all three...I'm just too excited...:D

Duke Nukem Forever is finally coming out apparently...May 5...It's on the "ill rent it" list right now...when I first saw it I was excited enough I almost preorder the balls of steel edition...but I think now that I've dwelt on it a bit I'm going to wait to gauge the reaction before actually forking out 90$ for a titanium bust of Duke...although man that would be hot to have in my office...  It took them forever to get this game out, i mean it's been nearly 12 years since I played the originals...for a while it seemed like Forever was a curse to companies, because every company that tried to pick up the franchise went under, but now Gearbox claims to have pulled it off...and yah, the trailer looks pretty nice...we'll see...

I had my first written test for our new term yesterday...umm...yeah...if I'd have studied it might have gone a little better...I guess I'll find out when we get our results back on Monday.

I bought another twelve pack of dew the other day..they're starting to pile up cause i buy them when they're on sale because I'm like that and then I never have any time to drink them...ahhh well...maybe I'll guzzle ten tonite...that would help my figure I'm sure.

I'm so excited for skyrim...that game is gonna be hands down amazing...I know it...I can't wait!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Almost done with Gen Eds!!!

Ugh the last six weeks have been terribly terrible to say the least, to put it positevly i remember why I am not going to a normal college...I hate sitting in a classroom...

But I'm almost done with gen eds, only one more week!!  I can't wait it's going to be epic to be out of speech and english and math...ugh...

my free time, homework ratio has been way off lately...cuase I'm one of those special people who believes that getting 8 hours of sleep is important, but when one is gong 4am to 7pm and then has several hours worth of homework to trudge throuhg it's kinda challenging...blaaaaaa

Can't wait for my four day weekend!!!  Maybe I'll even do something fun!!