Returned the horn, the had to run to the college to sell off some magical items, while there our enchanter asked me to run to Markarth (ugh stupid Markarth) for him. I took a carriage to get there, as I was in a hurry to get back to Delphine. While in Markarth I save a young woman who was attacked by an agent of the forsworn in broad daylight in the marketplace! I'm glad I saw him coming, because he could have easily one shotted the poor girl. Margeret I think her name was. She was an Imperial form Cyrodiil and was quite shook up over the incident. After I had dispatched the looney and helped Margeret back to where she was staying at the Silverblood in I was approached by a man. He handed me a piece of paper he claimed I had dropped. On the paper was a cryptic message about meeting him at the shrine of Talos tonight. I obviouslt didn't. He had seemed urgent, but my mission is more urgent. I think whatever he wanted to talk about can wait, dragons tearing apart Tamriel is more important.
Delphine has figured out a way for me to sneak into the Thalmor Embassy and secure information to see if they have any part in the dragons. I'm hoping this works. I'm going to run to Whiterun to drop off this Ebony Mail Boethia gave me the other day before heading to Solitude to meet our contact. W00T!
Oh and on a side note J'zargo had his first real dragon fight today (not counting the one with Delphine). His spells and my sword are the best dragon busting combination in Skyrim. We had that thing down in ten minutes.
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