
Monday, April 16, 2012

Middas, 10:42 PM, 10th of Heartfire

Winterhold.  On my way to the college but it got too damned dark and too damned cold!  Ah Skyrim how I love you!  So I stopped at the Frozen Hearth.  Inn-keep gave me a bounty letter for some bandits at a fort around here, I'll maybe take care of that tomorrow too.  I'm really just curious what this college is all about.  i'm not really much of a mage at all, I can barely aim a fireball spell, much less cast it in a manner dangerous to any one other then myself.  I've just heard so many interesting things about the college that I figured it couldn't hurt to explore it, if anything it's a minor waste of time, and I may make some good contacts for later on.

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