Got back to Breeze home late last night. I wish I could sleep but when I close my eyes all I can see are scales and fire. Although I personally have not seen a dragon in several weeks not they are always on my mind. I know that they still are a very real and growing threat to Skyrim. I hear of their damage everywhere I go. Hut it's like I myself am avoiding them. It's not that I'm sacred of them, if anything I'm scared of myself. What is this power I have? Am I turning into some sort of devil? With every soul that I absorb I feel my strength and knowledge and perception increase.
That's it. I am decided. Lydia and I are going to High Hrothgar to see the Grey beards. I'll get breakfast at the Mare and then head out to the Grey beards later this morning. Oh, I'll sell off all of this Elven Armor I have stashed away here first. I keep tripping over all this junk. It's all loot from when Lydia and I rescued Thorald from the Thalmor for his Grey mane family. I tried not to take sides in this war, and I still am trying not to, but the cruelty and pointless imprisonment of Thorald was just too much. I had tried to rescue him peacefully but that became obviously impossible. So we brought that fort to it's knees!
8:28, later
I decided to stay in Whiterun one more day because while I was at breakfast the innkeeper ( can still never remember her name) approached me and handed me a bounty for the head of the giant at Sleeping Tree Rock. Of course I can't resist the call of glinting Septims. I figured I'd hike out there, (It's less then an hour from Whiterun), kill the giant and have plenty of time to get to High Hrothgar...but.... (and please allow me to prelude this by saying that I am, after all, only a woman). Farengar, the Jarl's wizard accosted me when I went back to Dragon's Reach for my reward. he said he was excited to say that he had deciphered most of the Dragon stone I had unearthed at Bleak Falls Barrow, and was wondering if I would like to join him in his quarters to learn more. Of course I said yes. Upstairs he poured us some Alto Wine and spread out his papers before us. they were covered with is fine, neat print, dragon ruins and illustrations. Apparently the stone speaks of the lord who was killed and how only Alduin can restore him (I was right!) or something. I don't really remember. What I do remember is the air in Farengar's quarters was thick with Magicka. I could feel it, and I am no expert with magic. I asked Farengar about it and he replied, looking me straight in the eye, that it was a charm spell, meant for me. And then he threw back his hood, revealing his well chiseled jaw, piercing, deep set yellow eyes, beautifully formed mouth. He walked to my chair and held out his hand and asked if I would have him. "Nothing permanent, that's not how I am, I simply find your spirit intoxicating, your will irresistible, and your beauty alluring."
For a moment I must have stared at him in dumb shock, this beautiful creature wanted me!? I still look back on the moment in disbelieving shock. I did not see that coming. It had been many months since I had been with a man, and the last one certainly wasn't a court mage! My how I've moved up in the world. Needless to say I took him up on his offer. He was amazing, he reminded me that their are other thrills in life besides a bursting chest full of loot...
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