
Friday, March 1, 2013

Loredas, 9:33 PM, 11th of Morning Star

Marcurio and I are spending the night in Orothiem, a small cave we just recently cleared of Bandits.  He remarked with a laugh that it seems strange the leader of the Thieves Guild, the Dragonborn is spending the night in a dirty cave surrounded by fresh corpses.  I suppose to an outsider perhaps it would seem absurd, but this is where I feel most at home.

I intend to return to Lake-view soon and perhaps spend a few days there, see how the little girl is, and make sure the house is in good repair.  Marcurio has offered to accompany me, it seems he does not wish us to part ways just yet, I am fine with that, although I'm not looking forward to introducing him to Lucia, she's a very curious child and is sure to ask too many questions.

Marcurio has been bothering me these last couple of days.  He is insisting that with all the arcane knowledge in Skyrim, there must be a way for me to recover my eyesight.  I don't know why he cares so much, I long ago resigned myself to the darkness.  But if only to keep him from nagging about it I will look into it.  I suppose he may have a point, I'm not sure I could handle the disappointment though if I actually did try finding  a way and it turned out to be a dead end.

My hair has started to grow back.  Strange, it's been nearly three years since the accident and never once before now had it shown any sign of regrowth.  It's coming in rough and choppy and Marcurio says it's a silver white.  It used to be auburn back when I had long locks.

The thieves guild is back on its feet, as it's guild-master I will have to check in every month or so with them, but I don't intend to spend any more time than I have to down in the ratway, it's still very putrid down there, despite all the effort they're putting into making it more hospitable.  With Mavin's permission I gave Mercer's house to Brynjolf, he's a good man, honorable too, which is rare among those thieves.

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