
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Middas, 6:13 PM, 24th of Heartfire

The harsh, rugged beauty of this land is enough to even amaze me dull eyes.  It's not just the colors that make this land.  It's the echoes off the crags, the howling of the wolves, the crisp breeze which makes the skin feel alive, and the lush wild grass that crushes softly beneath my feet.  I can honestly admit that I do not miss my homeland.  I may miss certain aspects of it, but I would not go back, not for all the septims in the land.

After Climbing to the top of the aforementioned waterfall, I discovered a dragon's lair, thankfully for me, it was resting, so I got in the first his, it was a dragon which breathed frost, an interesting twist on a classic myth I think, but lucky for me, as a frost breather is much more susceptible to my fire spells.

On returning to white run I was (of course) immediately handed a bounty letter for a giant at sleeping tree rock.  I was sure I had just killed this giant, but it turned out that I had only killed one of them, there were three living there in a cave underground.  After a very tedious battle which involved a lot of running, climbing, rolling and dashing, and finally made my way through the three mammoths which guarded the entrance to the cave.  Once in the cave, it was much easier, the dark is my friend, and the giants already had to stoop in the cave, which greatly lowered their ability to fight back.  After I summoned a flame atronach, the battle was easily won in my favor.  Upon exploring the cave a bit more I found the body of an orc, with what appears to be a letter and a diary on him.  I also took his armor which was scattered about the cave, and the two bottles of skooma.  Not for me of course!  Vile stuff.  I took the letters back to Whiterun with me when i returned to turn in the bounty.  I had Lucia read them to me.  Apparently the orc had crafted the armor mixed with sleeping tree sap and layers of leather.  It seems quit nice, and after a few alterations, I managed to get it just my size, perhaps in even better condition than it was before.  The only downside is that it does not completely hide my face, but it is very close.  I do not like people being able to see my glinting white eyes from beneath the hood, it scares the common folk.  But perhaps it will also keep potential rabble rousers from messing with me.  The note also mentioned Ysolda, a woman in town here, as buying this sap, I intend to ask her what exactly she was doing with it, I can tell it has strange magical properties.

On my way back to my land near Falkreath I stopped at Riverwood to pick up some supplies, while I was there I befriended a local dark elf, he seemed a decent fellow, although he was more than a bit smitten with the sister of the shopkeep.  However he proved a true man when the village was suddenly attacked by a dragon!  It was another frostbreather.  I rushed forward to snipe it out of the sky with my flame attacks.  The elf knocked an arrow to his bow and stood by my side, matching my every attack with one of his own.  It seemed the battle was going to be won without a scratch to a single villager, that is until the enraged dragon slammed to the ground mere meters away from us.  I dove to the left, expecting the elf would do a similair action.  I heard not a sound from him until I had placed the final burning blow on the dragon.  It was at that point that my foot hit the slowly melting chunk of ice that had been a living breathing person mere minutes before.  He was a hero, that much is sure, I hope these people remember him.  However hopefully they also learn from his mistake and do NOT try to take a dragon's frost breath head on.  It does not work well.

I finally got the supplies back to my now quickly developing property.  I am not sure yet what I will call this home, but that I am going to turn it into a proper manor home, that I am sure of.  I even hired a steward to watch over it and Lucia when I am gone, although I have not yet moved Lucia here, I doubt she's going to like the idea of leaving her friends.  The steward is a hardy redguard woman, she seems to know her way around with a set of blades very well, and also shows some proficiency at housework.  Hopefully she is as dependable as she is curt.

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